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April 17, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence ( was awarded a grant through North Country Initiative’s (NCI) Promising Practices Fund to support the purchase of assistive equipment and safety features that will minimize fall risks for approximately 300 residents with disabilities at 51 community-based homes throughout Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties.

The Funds from NCI will also support enhanced training in balance and fall prevention for the physical therapy staff at The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence.  The project will begin immediately with the purchase of all needed items and continue with training and fall risk assessments conducted throughout the upcoming year.

“The North Country Initiative continues to support our agency’s commitment to provide local people with disabilities with high quality, safe services to meet each person’s unique needs throughout their lifetime,” stated Lynn Pietroski, Chief Executive Officer of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence. “The funds NCI provided for this project will significantly reduce fall risks and the need for medical care resulting from falls, improving the lives of hundreds of people at The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence.”

This is the second grant The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence has received through an NCI Promising Practices Fund. The organization received an award in 2021 to assist with the purchase of laptops and tablets for the nursing team and behavioral health staff to increase and enhance communication due to the challenges posed by traveling between sites.

“The community review committee that evaluates Promising Practices Fund applications was impressed by The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence’s proposal to reduce fall risk among their residents through assistive equipment and enhanced training,” shared Erika Flint, Director of North Country Initiative. “The risk of falling for older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities is roughly double that of the general population, and some falls result in potentially preventable visits to the emergency department or hospital. We are grateful for this project, which stands to further support residents’ safety and avoid unnecessary trips to higher-acuity care settings.”

North Country Initiative made these funds available through an application process earlier this year, to the NCI Clinically-Integrated Network members, which include over 80 clinical and social care organizations. The funds are intended to support promising practices that impact the health and wellness of people of Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties. To learn more, visit

The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence provides lifelong opportunities that enhance the lives of people, so that they may achieve their goals. To learn more, visit, find us on Facebook and Instagram, or subscribe to the YouTube Channel.

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About The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence:
The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence seeks to be the premier provider of services for people with diverse needs through the continuum of life.