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The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation

The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation, Inc.

The Foundation was established in November of 2012 to receive and administer funds through fundraising and other initiatives to support The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence (formerly Jefferson Rehabilitation Center and St. Lawrence NYSARC) in continuing to provide quality services for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Our Mission:

The mission of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation is to be a trustworthy steward dedicated to the long-term financial stability and endowment of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation, while enhancing the quality of life of people supported.

For more than 65 years, The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence has offered support to over 1,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ranging in ages from birth through end of life. The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence provides habilitative services designed to maximize the potential of all people through education, vocational training and opportunities, volunteerism within the community, child and adult day programming, clinical therapies, and residential services within the community. The Foundation provides financial support to these vital services, as Federal and State funding are continuously reduced. Our fundraising dollars are used to:

  • Provide equipment and supplies not supported by insurances or other governmental sources
  • Assist with the purchase of items and experiences requested by persons supported that they could not otherwise afford
  • Assist families in guardianship or other special needs
  • Support recreational events and activities
  • Support trainings for staff to gain specialized skills
  • Assist with capital improvements for our residential and programming sites
  • Purchase specialized vehicles to ensure all people receiving services have access to the community
  • Ensure longevity and sustainability of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation
  • Other activities that support the Mission and Vision of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation

How You Can Help:

We invite you to consider impacting the lives of the people supported by The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence and their families by making a gift today to The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation through one or more of the following ways:

One Time or Monthly Donation

You can make a one-time donation or schedule a recurring donation online here. Foundation staff can also help you set up a donation.

Planned Giving

Planned giving allows you to leave a lasting legacy at The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation while helping us continue this very important work. The Foundation staff is available to assist you in planning the gift that best meets your personal and philanthropic goals.

  • Gifts by Bequest | Bequests are traditional gestures which are noted in a Last Will and Testament with a dollar amount or percentage of your estate be donated to charity.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance | In the event that you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for its originally intended purpose, you may choose to make The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation the beneficiary or co-beneficiary of the policy. Alternatively, a new policy may also be purchased for the benefit of The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation, which may result in a gift that is much larger than its cost.
  • Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets | Money in a tax-deferred retirement plan, such as an IRA or 401(k), that is left to an individual’s heirs can be subject to both income and estate taxes. Taxes can erode a substantial part of these assets. If money in such plans is left to The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation, the Foundation receives the entire amount. You may therefore wish to consider providing for loved ones from other assets and making The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation the beneficiary or co-beneficiary of your retirement-plan assets.
  • Gifts of Securities | Because of the tax advantages of donating appreciated securities, you may find you are able to make a larger gift with stock than with cash. When you make a gift of appreciated securities that you have owned for more than a year, you avoid the capital-gains taxes that would be due if you sold the stock. You receive an income-tax deduction based on the full market value of the stock at the time of the gift.
  • Special Needs Trusts | A Special Needs Trust allows parents, family members or friends to set aside money for, or make a bequest to, a disabled loved one without affecting that person’s eligibility for government benefits. At the end of the beneficiary’s life, any funds remaining in the trust may be designated to go to a charity such as The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation to support programs and services that benefit people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Depending upon your personal and financial situation, you may want to create your own special-needs trust (either now or in your will), or you may wish to make use of a pooled trust offered by a not-for-profit organization, such as the one offered by The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence’s parent corporation, NYSARC, Inc. (

Company Matching Gift

Does your company match philanthropic gifts to charities? If so, please obtain your company’s matching gift form and return it to us. Retirees may also be eligible. A company’s matching gift can double or even triple your gift.

Memorial Gift

A gift to The Arc Jefferson – St. Lawrence Foundation may be made in memory or in honor of a loved one.

Support our Efforts

Attend one of our many fundraising events or activities throughout the year. If you enjoy attending social gatherings, golfing or running, we welcome you to register for one of our upcoming events featured below. Or, if you prefer to contribute without attending an event, we can include you in our Annual Appeal Campaign.


If you would like more information or have any questions on how to best make a gift to the Foundation please contact Foundation Executive Director, Michelle Carpenter at 315-836-1363; or via e-mail at Contact Me.