Career Solutions offers community-based employment services to people with any qualifying documented disability. The program provides participants with the support they need to obtain and maintain employment and, at the same time, functions as a personnel management resource to local area employers through specialized job matches.
Career Solutions coaches participants on the skills necessary to obtain and maintain a job in the community. Services may include financial incentives and on-site training to ensure employee and employer satisfaction. Career Solutions works with people receiving supports from ACCES-VR, OMH, and OPWDD.
Services Offered

- Job Coaching
- Work Readiness Training
- Job Development
- Career Planning/Exploration
- Resume Writing
- Interview Training
A referral is needed to obtain community-based employment services through Career Solutions and our team of career professionals can help you with the process.
Program Options
- Transitional and Supported Employment (ACCES-VR: Adult and Career Continuing Education – Vocational Rehabilitation) is an ideal option for youth needing: Intensive on the Job Training, Job Development, Community-Based Work Assessments, and Benefits Counseling.
- Work Readiness Program (OMH: Office of Mental Health) is a service to assist people with a mental health diagnosis with: Preparation for Employment and Weekly Meetings on Skill Building, Job Searching, and Resume Development.
- Health and Recovery Plan (HARP) includes a variety of services that allow support of eligible individuals ranging from someone who is looking to discover if they want to work to regular check-ins and coaching in a workplace.
- Employment and Training Program (ETP) is an option for participants eligible through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities who have limited employment experience, need exposure to community volunteering, extensive career planning services, and work readiness classes. This program assists persons with vocational barriers in developing the skills necessary for successful employment through individualized training services.
- Pathway to Employment (PTE) trains participants with disabilities on pre-employment skills and guides them to identify a career/vocational direction. The goal of this limited-time service is to assist participants with integrated, community career exploration and to identify a goal in up to 278 hours or 365 days.
- Community-based Prevocational Services (CBPV) assists participants in developing employment readiness skills in an integrated, community work setting. Participants will be taught about work experiences through volunteer efforts. Community-based Prevocational Services help to prepare participants to work by teaching the skills needed to be successful in a community work environment. Staff provide lessons and teach skills needed to build on a person’s soft skills and assist with developing skills needed to pursue work in the future.
About Career Solutions
Career Solutions was established in 2023 as a mark in history for the unification between Career Opportunities and Career Connections. These two programs had existed within Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties for decades. In 2019 the two counties merged together as one agency and became The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence. To provide premier community-based employment supports and services to people with disabilities, we decided to come together under one name with the same goals in mind. Career Solutions is an employment agency with a personalized approach and a commitment to you.
Jefferson County
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St Lawrence County
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